Author Archive: Catherine Crittenden

#Game Over Campaign

Are you a sportsperson, or do you have family or friends who are involved in sport? Amnesty International is organising a campaign, #Game Over, calling on the Government to finally get all the refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia to safety, and leading to a National Day of Action on Wednesday 28 October. This campaign already has the support of top sportspeople, and the more people who join the campaign, the more powerful it will be. See how you can help.

AdsUp appeal

You probably know about AdsUp, a group of expats in the US helping Australia’s refugees with resettlement in the US. They are also active in Canada, and trying to secure freedom for people through the sponsorship program there. They are asking for support, so please help if you can.


Working with Ads-Up USA, I’m privileged to help Manus and Nauru refugees facing desperate situations in America — but the most emotionally wrenching part of the job is speaking with refugees who are still trapped in intolerable situations on Manus and Nauru.

Despite their resilience and fortitude, the combination of isolation, sub-standard medical care and having no clear future ahead of them is crushing and often overwhelming.

That’s why I’m thrilled that an absolutely wonderful couple of donors in Tasmania have agreed to match all September donations to Ads-Up Canada’s resettlement work, up to $20,000.If you haven’t yet done so, please chip in now to double your impact >>

Our 2020-21 plan to increase Ads-Up Canada’s resettlement capacity is ambitious but necessary. Together, we need to ensure we’re doing all we can to end the Manus/Nauru nightmare for good. 

If you have ideas about virtual or in-person fundraising events (COVID-permitting) please get in touch with me at

We have the ability to create personal and organizational donation pages, if you or a local group would like to set your own fundraising target and work towards it. 

I’ve seen first-hand what we’re capable of when we all pull together, and I’m excited to speak with anyone and everyone who wants to get more involved in helping us meet this important goal!

April Tafe